The Coconut Lemongrass Mix Seafood Skewers with Tamarind Glaze!


The Coconut Lemongrass Mix Seafood Skewers with Tamarind Glaze!

The Coconut Lemongrass Mix Seafood Skewers with Tamarind Glaze!

we’re delving into an exceptionally extraordinary recipe – the creation of “Coconut Lemongrass Seafood Skewers with a Tamarind Glaze”. Prepare yourselves for a delightful journey that promises to set your taste buds into a joyful dance! And hello to all the aspiring chefs and food enthusiasts out there! In our culinary exploration today!

Gathering Our Magical Ingredients

Let’s start with the super cool things you’ll need:

1 lb mixed seafood (think shrimp, scallops, and yummy chunks of fish)

Coconut-Lemongrass-Seafood-Skewers-mixed-seafood-300x158 The Coconut Lemongrass Mix Seafood Skewers with Tamarind Glaze!

1 can (14 oz) coconut milk

coconut-milk-300x158 The Coconut Lemongrass Mix Seafood Skewers with Tamarind Glaze!


2 lemongrass stalks (they look like tiny green sticks), finely chopped

lemongrass-stalks-300x158 The Coconut Lemongrass Mix Seafood Skewers with Tamarind Glaze!

3 cloves garlic (those little guys that add a punch), minced

gerlic The Coconut Lemongrass Mix Seafood Skewers with Tamarind Glaze!


1 tablespoon ginger (the magical root), grated

ginger The Coconut Lemongrass Mix Seafood Skewers with Tamarind Glaze!

2 tablespoons soy sauce (a splash of this makes things tasty)

soy-sauce The Coconut Lemongrass Mix Seafood Skewers with Tamarind Glaze!


2 tablespoons fish sauce (sounds fishy, but it’s full of flavor)

fish-sauce-1 The Coconut Lemongrass Mix Seafood Skewers with Tamarind Glaze!


2 tablespoons tamarind paste (tangy goodness)

tamarind The Coconut Lemongrass Mix Seafood Skewers with Tamarind Glaze!


1 tablespoon honey (nature’s sweet treat)

honey The Coconut Lemongrass Mix Seafood Skewers with Tamarind Glaze!


1 teaspoon chili flakes (for a hint of excitement, adjust as you like)

chili-flakes The Coconut Lemongrass Mix Seafood Skewers with Tamarind Glaze!


Wooden skewers (the long sticks for our seafood pals), soaked in water for 30 minutes

Wooden-skewers The Coconut Lemongrass Mix Seafood Skewers with Tamarind Glaze!


The Magical Cooking Adventure Begins!

Step 1: Creating the Coconut Mix-Up Magic

Let’s start by making our special marinade, like kitchen wizards!

  1. Get a Big Bowl: Find a big bowl – your magical cooking pot.
  2. Pour the Ocean: Imagine your bowl is a little ocean. Pour in the coconut milk – it’s like magic water!
  3. Add the Special Stuff: Put in the finely chopped lemongrass (green sticks), minced garlic (tiny flavourful bits), grated ginger (the magical root), soy sauce (for a tasty kick), and fish sauce (sounds fishy but adds lots of flavour).
  4. Stir the Magic: Mix everything up like you’re making a magical potion. This mix is our special marinade!

This isn’t just any marinade; it’s like a spell that makes our food taste amazing. Now, our magic potion is ready, and we’re all set for the next exciting steps in our cooking adventure. Stay tuned for more fun kitchen magic!

Step 2: Seafood Fun Time

Now, let’s make our seafood pals all set for the tasty journey:

  1. Shrimp Cleanup Bash: Start with the shrimp – give them a good wash and take off any icky bits, just like helping them shed their tiny jackets.
  2. Fishy Treasure Adventure: Chop the fish into small, bite-sized pieces. Imagine you’re creating little fishy treasures for our culinary quest!
  3. Cozy Towel Time: Now, grab a paper towel and gently pat our seafood friends dry. It’s like giving them a cosy towel after a swim – making sure they’re all snug and ready for the next exciting chapter in our culinary adventure!

Our seafood buddies are now prepped and ready to dive into the flavours of our magical marinade. Stay tuned as we unfold the next steps in this delicious escapade!

Step 3: Seafood Marinade Splash

Now, let’s invite our seafood to a cool marinade pool party:

  1. Seafood Dive-In: Place our seafood buddies into the big bowl where the magical marinade awaits. It’s like inviting them to a special pool made of coconut-lemongrass magic!
  2. Magic Toss and Turn: Give them a gentle toss and turn so that each piece gets covered in the enchanting flavours of our coconut-lemongrass potion. Imagine them having a dance in this flavourful pool!
  3. Cozy Flavor Nap: Cover the bowl and let our seafood pals chill in the fridge for at least 30 minutes. It’s like they’re taking a cozy nap in the town of flavours, soaking up all that delicious goodness!

Our seafood is now having a blast in the marinade pool, absorbing all the wonderful tastes. Stay tuned as we unfold the next steps of this tasty adventure!

Step 4: Creating Tamarind Glaze Fun

While our seafood buddies are taking a chill break, let’s whip up some magical tamarind glaze:

  1. Tiny Saucepan Adventure: Get a tiny saucepan – it’s like a mini magic cauldron!
  2. Friendship Mix: Put the tamarind paste, honey, and a pinch of chili flakes into the tiny saucepan. Imagine them becoming the best of friends in this tiny cooking adventure.
  3. Heat and Stir Magic: Place the saucepan on low heat and give them a gentle stir. Watch as they mix and mingle, turning into a shiny, flavour-packed glaze. This is our special glaze – a magical potion for our seafood!

Now that our tamarind glaze is ready to work its magic, we’re all set for the final steps in our delicious journey. Stay tuned as we unveil the grand finale of this culinary adventure!

Step 5: Grilling Adventure Time!

Now, let’s bring in our kitchen superhero – the grill! It’s time for some grilling fun:

  1. Grill Wake-Up: First, let’s preheat the grill – it’s like our superhero waking up and gearing up for some action. Imagine it getting all ready to cook our delicious seafood.
  2. Seafood Kebab Creation: Take our marinated seafood pals and thread them onto the soaked wooden skewers. Picture yourself creating awesome seafood kebabs – like food on a stick!
  3. Grill Tan Session: Now, place our seafood kebabs on the grill. Grill each side for 3-4 minutes until they look like they’re getting a little tan – just like they’re enjoying some sun! And remember, it’s super important to flip them so that both sides get their moment in the spotlight.

Our grill is now the stage for our seafood stars to shine. Stay tuned as we get ready for the grand finale – a feast fit for champions!

Step 6: Tamarind Glaze Grand Finale

We’re so close, little chefs! Let’s add a special glaze touch to our skewers:

  1. Last-minute Magic: As our skewers finish grilling, grab a brush and paint each one with our magical tamarind glaze. It’s like giving them a tasty jacket – making them look and taste even more fantastic!
  2. Caramelization Show: Keep a close eye as the glaze works its magic. Watch it caramelise and turn our skewers into extra fancy delights. Imagine it’s like the skewers are getting dressed up for a grand finale!

With this glaze finale, our seafood skewers are reaching new levels of deliciousness. Get ready for the ultimate taste experience as we wrap up our cooking adventure in style! Stay tuned, our culinary journey is about to hit its peak!

Step 7: Seafood Platter Extravaganza

Our seafood pals are all set to steal the spotlight! Let’s make their grand entrance with a platter party:

  1. Platter Pizzazz: Take a big, beautiful platter – it’s like the red carpet for our Coconut Lemongrass Seafood Skewers. Arrange them with flair, creating a display fit for a feast!
  2. Marinade Drizzle: Don’t let any of that deliciousness go to waste. Drizzle the remaining marinade over our skewers. It’s like giving them a tasty bath before the party – ensuring every bite is packed with flavour.
  3. Tamarind Glaze Finishing Touch: Amp up the excitement by adding extra tamarind glaze for dipping. Imagine it’s like giving our skewers a little extra magic, making them the stars of the seafood party!

Our seafood platter is now a masterpiece, ready to dazzle and delight. Get ready to savour the triumph of our culinary adventure – a feast that’s as impressive as it is delicious! Stay tuned as we revel in the delicious finale of our cooking journey!

The Grand Finale: A Seafood Fiesta Celebration!

Hooray, little chefs! You’ve successfully crafted a culinary masterpiece – behold the Coconut Lemongrass Seafood Skewers with Tamarind Glaze. Now, it’s time to gather your family and friends around the table and revel in the magic of the feast you’ve so brilliantly prepared!

As you dive into this flavourful creation, remember that cooking is more than just preparing food; it’s about crafting memories and having a blast in the kitchen. So, don your chef hat proudly, and let the joyous culinary adventures continue! 🌟

With each bite, savor the triumph of your kitchen escapade, and bask in the shared delight of good food and great company. Cheers to you, little chefs, for creating a moment that’s not just a meal but a memory to cherish. Here’s to many more magical culinary journeys ahead! 🎉

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